WA Undersea Club
powered by TidyHQKarratha Adventure Sports Year Long Coral Trout Competition
Karratha Adventure Sports Year Long Coral Trout Competition
This year we are excited to announce we are accepting weighed and un-weighed entries for the Karratha Adventure Sports year long Trout competition.
As well as the typical weight-based competition for heaviest trout, we will be accepting unweighed entries in an Instagram based judges choice trout competition.
All you have to do is upload a picture and follow the entry requirements below and you are in the running to win!
It is important that all entries are supported by a public post tagging our sponsors so please follow the entry requirements carefully.
How to Enter an Un-Weighed fish:
- You must be a financial member to receive a prize. You can enter a picture at anytime.
- Post a picture of your catch publicly on Instagram and tell us about your catch!
- Tag Karratha Adventure Sports & WA Undersea Club:
- Include hashtag
How to Enter a Weighed Fish:
- You must be a financial member prior to shooting your fish.
- OPTION 1 Preferred: Post a picture of your catch publicly on Instagram and tell us about your catch!
- Tag Karratha Adventure Sports & WA Undersea Club:
- Include hashtag
- Tag Karratha Adventure Sports & WA Undersea Club:
OPTION 2: If you don’t have Instagram or have private account settings, post into the WAUC Gold Group for the committee to reshare your post. Include #wauctrout2025
- Email your entry to competitions@waundersea.com and include the following details
Full Name |
Mobile Number |
Email Address |
Fish Species |
Fish Weight (kg) |
Date of Capture |
Location |
Length (cm) |
Girth (cm) |
Witness Name & Number |
Trophy Picture |
On Scales, length and girth pictures |
Confirmation of social media post |
Rules for the WAUC year long trout Competition
1. Competition runs for the full length of the financial year, starting on the 1st of July and concluding on 30th June the following year. Any trout, photo, video or story caught in between these dates can be entered.
2. This competition is only open to WAUC members. While photos, videos and stories can be entered from any time in the financial year once joined, trout entered into the heaviest weight category can only be entered if you are a member at the time of the capture.
3 - Divers must be breath-hold spearfishing and fully submerged at time of capture. No breathing aid other than a snorkel is permitted.
4 - Entries of all fish must be emailed through to competitions@waundersea.com with all the details outlined in the how to enter section.
4 - Entries are to include clear photos of the fish on scales displaying weight, the fishes length, a trophy photo and a picture of the scales certification sticker.
5 - Fish are to be weighed whole. Gutted fish will be accepted, albeit at the lower weight.
6 - It is preferred if Competition entries are submitted within 28 days from date of capture, though all entries will be accepted up to the announced closing date (generally one week from season end).
7 - Fish must be weighed on trade certified scales or high quality digital scales with 50gr or better accuracy and a calibration report that is no more than 2 years old. Fish should be weighed on solid ground wherever possible. Fish weighed at sea or with someone holding the scales, will be heavily scrutinized and may hinder the fish's legitimacy. however if this is the only option in remote areas, a video of the weighing process must be submitted. Feel free to contact the club on potential locations of verified scales in your area should you not have access.
The winner will be announced at next years AGM
Goodluck and safe spearing and diving!
By Entering you agree to the following conditions-
I realise that such diving and spearfishing activities inherently have dangers to my person from or caused by currents, sea conditions, sharks, other marine creatures, the activity of other people in boats and in the water and their equipment. I at least have a general understanding of the
term “shallow water blackout”. I realise that the activity of breath-hold diving involves the danger of shallow water blackout, if not conducted with caution and due care on my part.
For the consideration of the facilities, equipment, services and advice provided by you, I, for myself, my executors, administrators, assignees, and for the child (if applicable) hereby absolutely release and discharge the West Australian Undersea Club Inc. Including it’s individual members, committee, their agents, appointees and assigns, from and against all claims
whatsoever arising out of the death, personal injury, loss of or damage to personal property, that I or the child (if applicable), may suffer or sustain in any way connected with the abovementioned spearfishing competition. Also, I hereby indemnify and agree to keep indemnified indefinitely, the West Australian Undersea Club Inc. Including its committee its individual members, their agents, all appointees and assigns against all claims whatsoever, by me or the child or by any person claiming through me, or through the child on my behalf, in any way arising, and this discharge may be pleaded in bar to any such claim.